These are whats known as “Flying Potato Chips”. They’re a rare find that is to be sure! Especially because they’re almost unreachable…because technically they’re on the ceiling. Yep – that’s right, flying ceiling potato chips!
Info About the Food
Category: Snack
Name of Product: Flying Potato Chips
Country of Origin: Yanji, China
CamBomb Tasty Rating (1-10): Flying Potato Chips – 10 out of 10!
Flying Potato Chips
Okay – you caught me. This is actually somewhat of a joke post. However, this really cracked me up and at the time, it made me very happy to see, what appeared to be, potato chips being hung from the ceiling as a form of artwork. This seemed like something I would’ve done as an art installation in college – to which I have to say… well done my fellow artist!
So yes – these “Flying Potato Chips” which are suspended from the ceiling are not actually food and are indeed a art installation in an upscale marriage clothing boutique shop in China.
I found this hilarious – and it reminded me of chips. So for pure joy – this gets 10 out of 10. As to the flavor, I give it a ? out of 10 as I was unable to attempt to snatch this from the ceiling and see what it was made of. My assumption is it wasn’t actually potato…I guess i’ll never know.